Vladislav Gruca considers the approval of the investment in a new distribution center near Trnava by their owners in the USA to be a key success last year. The value of the center is 7 million euros. The distribution center with three temperature zones and an area of 8,600 square meters facilitates the company's operation. The benefits include increased efficiency, higher safety, reduced maintenance, operation and energy costs. All this using modern technology. They also reduced transport costs due to advantageous location.
From the Havi warehouse, it supplies approximately 300 collection points, delivering 40,000 pieces of goods a day. There are no ordinary warehouses in the logistics center, as they contain sophisticated and top technology. As Vladislav Gruca points out, the distribution center has a unique shelving system and handling equipment. It increases accuracy and work safety, as well as real-time energy monitoring. Havi also thinks about ecology. It wants to save the environment and reduce its carbon footprint by 40% by 2030. This goal will also be achieved thanks to the fact that the new warehouse is certified with the BREEAM Excellent environmental class.